Is it easy to pull off?
Yes! We've provided step by step instructions.
The retreat manual has everything you need to plan and lead the retreat – so that anyone (from veteran youth ministers who have run hundreds of retreats to volunteer leaders who have never even been on a retreat before) can put on an amazing, meaningful encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Yes! We’ve given you multiple options for every session!
This retreat contains 12 different talks, complete with outlines and descriptions so that you can pick and choose what you want your confirmands to focus on. There is also a 10-pack of group games for even more options
Yes! 100% Catholic!
Yes! The whole the retreat is centered around the sacrament of confirmation, and in each session, you will find corresponding references to scripture and The Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Is It Repeatable?
Yes! But you only have to buy it once!
We've created a resource that is truly reusable. You can use this retreat again and again – year after year – as part of your confirmation preparation process. And with all the customization options, you can even create a different experience every time.
"Greater has been a game changer for our Confirmation program!"
What's Included?
Step By Step Retreat Manual
We’ll take you through the planning process step by step to make sure you have a full grasp of running the perfect retreat – even if you’ve never been on one before.
Twelve Detailed Session Guides
These session guides come with outlines for your speakers, prayer guides, large group activity guides, small group discussion questions, journal prompts, and candidate/sponsor conversation guides for a fully customizable retreat experience to reach your group where they are at.
You can pick out the six sessions that will best resonate with your teens or use one of our recommended session plans.
download the complete set of session guides and then can PICK AND CHOOSE THE TALKS AND SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITIES YOU WANT FOR THE RETREAT
Small Group
Leader Guide
Comprehensive guide for each session with opening and closing prayers, discussion questions, small group activity, and corresponding references to scripture and the Catechism.
Each session comes with a DOWNLOADABLE ONE PAGE PDF
Ten Interactive Group Games
Games are an important component to building community, as well as making the retreat an enjoyable experience for all participants.
The Greater Game guide includes everything you need to pull off ten of our favorite games – from screen games to more athletic (and highly competitive) team games.
Includes Graphics, slides, supply lists, rules, and leader guide for 10 interactive games
Online Community Support
When you purchase Greater you get exclusive access to a special space on the Thrive Platform – our online community for Catholic youth ministers.
You'll be able to connect with other youth ministry leaders across the country who are using the Greater retreat in their parish or school context.
Instant access to the Greater Space On Thrive
Post Retreat Follow-Up Plan
Don’t let that retreat high die! Use this follow-up plan to run a debrief meeting with your volunteer team, schedule and host a retreat reunion, and create and execute an accompaniment plan for all who attended.
The Ultimate Checklist
Got all the forms? Check.
Paid for the bus? Check.
Sent the packing list? Check.
Our detailed checklists will have you running the most organized retreat ever!
Journal Prompts
Not everyone is comfortable talking in small groups, so we’ve created optional journal prompts for each session so that everyone has an opportunity to process the content in their own way.
Team Positions and Descriptions
It takes a lot of good people to pull off a retreat, so we’ve put together a list of who you need on your core team and the duties for each position.
Suggested Schedules
Suggested schedules include – 3 day/2 night schedule, 2 day NO OVERNIGHT schedule, and 1 day schedule
Potential Prizes List
Consider incentives to motivate participation. Not all prizes need to be physical ones. We’ve created a list of incentives that can be creatively used to increase participation, such as advantages, perks, and MegaPrize entries.
Comprehensive Event Logistics Package
Use this printable 15-page resource to keep track of venue info and logistics, leader info, pastoral concerns, medical needs, room setup, supply lists, and more.
Extra Session Implementation Guides
Ideas for how to use the additional sessions that don't make it into your retreat.
Full Access to Any Updates
A resource like Greater is always improving – and you'll get full access to any updates or additional features we add to the resource.
"Greater has been a game changer for our Confirmation program!"
Bonus #1
Included wHEN YOU order TODAY!
Video Sessions from
Dynamic Catholic Speakers
You don't have to reinvent the wheel – we asked an awesome lineup of Catholic speakers how they would teach each session...
Watching their videos is a great way for presenters to prepare for the session(s) they're leading.
In a pinch, you can even show these to your teens during your in person retreat.

Katie Prejean McGrady

Fr. Agustino Torres

Santonio Hill

Johnny Philp

Jil Yong

Dan Harms

Alyshia Koerner

Tony Vasinda
Bonus #2
Included WHEN you ORDER TODAY!
Online retreat access for students who miss your in person retreat!
$360 VALUE
Over 15,000 students have participated in our online confirmation retreat experience. It's fully on demand and designed to be completed in as short as two days or as long as 4 weeks.
The online retreat includes:
Over 5 Hours of Video Content
12 Teaching Sessions
4 Virtual Prayer Experiences
24 Daily Reflection Prompts
Printable Completion Certificates
You'll get full access to the Online edition of Greater for up to 15 students. good for 1 year.
Bonus #3
Included WHEN you Order today!
Get a FREE Month of Thrive Volunteers for all of your leaders!
Includes short, practical training courses for all of your volunteers:
Basics of Youth Ministry
How to Lead a Small Group
Praying with Teenagers
Self Care
The Art of welcome
Parent Relationships
StUdent development
You'll get a registration code that will give up to 15 volunteers free access to all of the videos above and all of the other features of thrive volunteers.
Bonus #4
Included WHEN you order today!
Pocket Small Group Tips
This PDF is designed specifically to be printed, folded and slid right into the pocket of your small group leaders. These helpful tips offer suggestions on how to keep conversations rolling, manage the participants, and even how to start and stop small group time. Perfect for newbies and good reminders for the more seasoned small group leaders.
You'll get a downloadable pdf that you can print or email to all your small group leaders.
Bonus #5
Included WHEN you PREORDER!
The Top Five Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them
Our team has over 30 years of experience running retreats, and we’ve learned some tips along the way to avoid headaches and tears and maximize the fun and enjoyment of the retreat for not just the confirmands, but the team as well.
You'll get A downloadable PDF
The SEssions
These session guides come with outlines for your speakers, prayer guides, large group activity guides, small group discussion questions, journal prompts, and candidate/sponsor conversation guides for a fully customizable retreat experience to reach your group where they are at.
We've broken down the sessions by four key themes
GREater love
God is in love with us. He wants to be in a relationship with us and has always been faithful. We are the ones that have fallen, rejected Him, and said “no”. But God never leaves us or gives up.
Jesus Desires a Relationship with Us
God’s love for us is unconditional, absolute, and unlimited. God wants us to love Him, not out of fear, but because He is our Father. We don’t have to be perfect to have a relationship with Him.
God's PromiseWe were created to be face to face with God. Sin makes us turn away. All throughout scripture we see instances where the people of God have turned away. But God, in His infinite love, gives us so many opportunities to turn back to Him.
Jesus is RealJesus is real and reveals his love and truth to us through the sacraments. Jesus calls each of us BY NAME to be in relationship with Him.
GREater Power
The Holy Spirit is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow – and He continues to move in power in our world, in our Church, and in our daily lives.
Origin StoryThe Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity - always present, always faithful, always loving. The Holy Spirit was not created, but always has been and always will be.
On FireThe Holy Spirit moves through scripture and sets our hearts on fire to go out and spread the Gospel. We are made for greatness. Ask the Holy Spirit to move in big ways in your life.
Alive and ActiveWe’ve met the Holy Spirit, throughout the Old and New Testaments. Now we’ll see how He is alive and active in our lives today.
We are called to be a Disciple of Christ, not only with words, but in our actions and choices. We look at examples of Saints who lived discipleship in their everyday lives and offer suggestions on how to build healthy habits.
WHAT IS A DISCIPLE?Holiness is hard! Sometimes what God calls us to do is different from what we had planned for ourselves. When we say “yes” to God, His blessings are more than we ever could have imagined.
STRIVING FOR HOLINESSHoliness is what we should strive for, rather than perfection. It takes practice. God wants us to be our authentic selves, not who we pretend to be or the filter we show the world. He loves who we are because He created us!
LIVING ITLet’s put it all together! Here are some simple and practical ways to better live like a disciple of Christ and keep moving toward holiness.
The Holy Spirit puts you, me, and every other disciple on a path for mission. Every one of us! Every day! What does it mean to be on mission? How does it happen? And how do we know if we are doing it “right”?
EXPERIENCING A PERSONAL PENTECOSTWe need to experience a personal Pentecost to empower us to move out of the upper room and head out to set the world on fire!
UNREPEATABLEWe are each unrepeatable individuals equipped with a unique set of natural gifts and supernatural charisms. These qualities are God’s way of calling each of us to live out our greater mission.
AM I DOING IT RIGHT?In this session, we explore the fruit and the blessings of what happens to us when we are living out our greater mission by explaining and reflecting on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Schedule a Call
Do you have questions or just want to know more about the Greater resource? We'd love to jump on a video call with you!
We can even show you around the resource before you buy it!
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